Divorce Lawyers in Orlando and Winter Park, FL
You have choices for your divorce.
Divorce may be the conclusion of a marriage, but it is also the beginning of many important choices. Divorce cases often settle out of court through the use of the collaborative process, mediation (with or without lawyers), strategic litigation, or other creative dispute resolution combinations, including sitting down at the kitchen table with your spouse.
The unique path you choose to reach your goals is one of the first major choices you will make. To approach this choice consider the following: Which path will be the least destructive for you and your family? Which path will minimize the emotional and financial costs to you and your family? Which path will protect you and help you achieve your goals? Which path will be the most efficient? At The Aikin Family Law Group we have decades of problem-solving expertise to help you make these major choices so that you can reach for your goals and achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family.
We promise to:
- Develop a customized strategy that defines your goals and needs
- Identify and clarify all divorce process options available and provide an honest assessment of the best options for you
- Keep your interests at the forefront throughout your divorce and after
- Resolve matters amicably whenever possible
- Communicate every step of the way so you know where you stand
Our approach to divorce:
At The Aikin Family Law Group, we approach each case with integrity, dignity, and creativity so that you can more easily transition to the next phase in your life. We have earned a reputation for delivering excellent legal counsel, providing a caring and professional environment, and providing clients with a quality experience. We do this through the use of:
- The Collaborative Law Process
- Cooperative Methods and Hybrid Models
- Mediation (with or without lawyers)
- Strategic Litigation
- Preparation of documents for “Kitchen Table” agreements
Let us help you reach for your goals by making the best educated choices you can make to maximize your positive outcomes.
To learn more about your choices in divorce, please call us at 407-644-4040 or contact us to schedule a consultation.